Tag: reversing rss


25 March '23 /
This is one of those weird ones where I try to do something batshit crazy and I end up inevitably failing. It was almost too clear that this is gonna be the path but I needed something to hyperfocus on to have some stress-free moments. This is how I tried to use only the engine/rendering canvas of Fusion and re-implement the whole GUI around it from scratch (toolbars, browser, history bar, etc.
02 November '22 /
As the years have gone by, it seems that cracking software is more and more synonymous to “malware”. As this world no longer knows how to operate in a manner of doing something for the common good, selfless moves that would give access to people that can’t bear the stupid “entry price” have been shadowed by moves that replace that “entry price” with remote access instead of money. It pains me and makes me sad, but at least I can share some aspect of it, as I’d rather not go to jail.
27 May '20 /
This is a small journey on how I reverse engineered the MagicForce 68 keyboard and tried to add bluetooth functionality to it. It’s a small keyboard (68 keys, 65%) and is USB-only (it’s not the smart model). It has a controller that I can’t flash with a custom firmware, so I had to hook wires on it. The Hardware The first step in determining what I was against, was to at least partially disassemble the keyboard.