
22 April '20 dzervas

First of all, lets flash Adafruit’s NRF52 bootloader for easier future flashing

My J-Link was “Broken. No longer used” - or so the JLink tools said (AKA bought from e-bay). So I had to go to openocd).

Connect the J-Link (or any SWD capable debugger supported by openocd - even an FT232 breakout will do) to the target - I have a Bluefruit by Adafruit.

pip3 install --user intelhex

cd Adafruit_nRF52_Bootloader
git clone
git submodule update --init

make BOARD=feather_nrf52832 all

sudo openocd -f board/nordic_nrf52_dk.cfg -c init -c “reset init” -c halt -c “nrf5 mass_erase” -c “program $FIRMWARE verify” -c reset -c exit


sudo openocd -f board/nordic_nrf52_dk.cfg -c init -c “reset init” -c halt -c “program $FIRMWARE verify” -c reset -c exi
💡**NOTE**: `nrf5` command was missing from my package manager’s `openocd` and I needed to install the git version!

Now the bootloader should be flash and we’re able to flash over serial from now on! Lets flash micropython (I advise not flashing master but a stable tag)

09 April '20 dzervas
💡This whole setup described is deprecated. Cloudflare offers this whole service for free with a much easier setup and 0 maintenance. Reported by an [HN comment]( (my handle on HN is ttouch). Don’t use what I describe bellow unless you really have a reason not to use Cloudflare. That’s what this blog is about. Failures 🙂

That’s what my mother always said when I was little. And don’t talk to strangers. And the cold comes from the feet (so never walk barefoot). I never got it. How the hell do you use proper signed certificates in a private network? Why have a house if you can’t walk around barefoot? Anyway…

04 December '19 dzervas

Ahoy reader, this is kinda an open letter. But mostly is my desperation in computer font. Rust why don’t you love me? I read about you, I spent nights and days. I fought the borrow checker monster for you. I learned about lifetimes. And you promised two things: - “Systems” language, close to C - Memory safety

I just wanna call you via a C binary. I don’t want you to fly. I just wanna love you…

20 October '19 dzervas

Take a breath, sit back and think: Why the fuck not spend some money instead of endless, painful hours? You don’t have money ok, ok, but what if you… WAIT. Wow, a new world, 3D printing, ACTUAL 3D printed hollow cubes that I PRINTED. Oh wait, is that smoke?

Welcome ladies and gentlemen on another miserable and painful part oooooof drumroll the CHINESE FACTORY!!! Starring: - Tears - Anxiety - A Creality Ender 3 3D Printer kit that I got from gearbest - 1 month waiting - Smokey electronics

11 October '19 dzervas

All I ever wanted, was a tiny Chinese factory inside my house. I’m not talking about the people, suicidal thoughts or racism against Chinese people, I’m talking about being able to make stuff. Quickly and effortlessly. So, instead of paying a factory and waiting for a month, I’d like to pay 10x the cost and cry myself to sleep, before I can get what I want. But it’s a one time thing :) (per machine).