
28 April '21 dzervas

Often the nRF52 micros get stuck or misbehave and reach a weird state with the pairings. Often the solution is just to clear them so here’s adafruit’s code to do that and a ini to make it easy.


platform = nordicnrf52
board = particle_xenon
framework = arduino

The board can be any nrf52 board, it can be any generic board that uses the same chip that you actually have. For example particle_xenon uses nRF52840, so it can be used for any 52840 board. It might though not flash the correct LEDs, so just hook up the serial port.

26 January '21 dzervas

This is a weekend project to keep your filaments safe & dry. It’s very easy to rebuild and adapt to your needs with (hopefully) available spare parts.

After a long term abusive relationship with the 3D printing hobby, where I was brutally murdered several times as described here, it was finally time to find a good partner and settle down. I bought the Original Prusa MK3S. I can finally print dickbutts using plastic. The printer just works, there’s nothing more to add.

07 October '20 dzervas

Why is it that hard to 3D print across years? Why can’t I have consistent printing experience, while not spending a kidney? I don’t get it. Why is the machine constantly failing? I’m a computer guy, I know that human errors are all over the place but how does a machine break on its own so frequently. And don’t get me wrong, it might be a budget Creality Ender 3 but it’s proven to be a good machine and its components are not majestic. This is me… sad…

04 October '20 dzervas

Oh Rust, how much I love you… Love at first third sight, like I had with my English teacher. She was ugly but I was 10 and she was a female that stood near me for an hour and talked to me in a soothing voice. That’s what Rust is, ugly but it’s there for you with a soothing voice.

On the other side we have C++ that the Arduino Framework is written on. Classes here and there, mixed with C, requiring a 3 day workshop to understand what’s the “standard” way of blinking a LED - hence the headache of each Arduino library taking the matters on their own hands. I hate reading C++ by the way and don’t know how to write it. That’s why I want to just forget about it and just call it from Rust.

27 May '20 dzervas

This is a small journey on how I reverse engineered the MagicForce 68 keyboard and tried to add bluetooth functionality to it. It’s a small keyboard (68 keys, 65%) and is USB-only (it’s not the smart model). It has a controller that I can’t flash with a custom firmware, so I had to hook wires on it.

The Hardware

The first step in determining what I was against, was to at least partially disassemble the keyboard.