
10 August '24 dzervas
For the past month I’ve been transitioning to NixOS, both my work laptop and my personal desktop. It’s been an amazing voyage. The learning curve is steep for the first 1-2 days, till you grasp the whole idea but then that’s mostly it. The language syntax is a bit weird and ugly but it really is quite simple - and I say that with 0 background in math or functional languages.
25 March '23 dzervas
This is one of those weird ones where I try to do something batshit crazy and I end up inevitably failing. It was almost too clear that this is gonna be the path but I needed something to hyperfocus on to have some stress-free moments. This is how I tried to use only the engine/rendering canvas of Fusion and re-implement the whole GUI around it from scratch (toolbars, browser, history bar, etc.
02 November '22 dzervas
As the years have gone by, it seems that cracking software is more and more synonymous to “malware”. As this world no longer knows how to operate in a manner of doing something for the common good, selfless moves that would give access to people that can’t bear the stupid “entry price” have been shadowed by moves that replace that “entry price” with remote access instead of money. It pains me and makes me sad, but at least I can share some aspect of it, as I’d rather not go to jail.
26 June '22 dzervas
I’ve been searching for a way to write blog posts through a beautiful, mobile-friendly interface for almost two years. Notion was always a very good answer but the code required to make it work was always keeping me back. But I finally did it, this blog’s content is now fully hosted in Notion Me writing a blog post with vim Existing solutions There are some UIs built specifically for git enabled static sites like forestry.
05 September '21 dzervas
For the past 5 years I’ve been obsessed about finding a super quick way to make hobby-grade PCBs at home. The race I was looking to win was the “I don’t want to wait 3 weeks being able to do nothing after I remembered that I2C needs in-series resistors”. I want to get my board in my hands in about an hour without doing much. And I found the way, but most importantly, I found the workflow.